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Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Work, shop, work shop, work, shop, FREAKSHAKE!

Evening :)

I'm making a conscious effort to get back to the things I want to blog and ramble about as it's a nice release for me - this has been really hard over the last couple of months due to the extra hours I've been having to put in at work which sadly has been leaving me energy-less in the evenings and I kid you not, most weekends where something hasn't been happening I have been sleeping ALL the time!!

Back to the topic in hand, a few months back Mr B and I had a couple of our best friends over for the weekend and knowing the local freakshake hub would've been rammed on a Saturday, I decided we would make our own!!!

In order to do a freakshake any sort of justice, the following goodies came back from a little shop to M&S and B&M Bargains (aside from the eggs..)....

I found our freakshake glassware at The Range for £1 each... I put a post on my Instagram recently as New Look sell the same ones for £6.99 each... I'm sure you can do maths but that's £5 difference per glass.. insane!!

And so the messiness began - A word of advise pre-freakshake, make sure you agree for the other person/people to do the washing/tidying up :) (they will not know what sort of tornado is about to happen in the kitchen!!)

Step 1 - Preparing The Glasses

These would be boring freakshakingly boring if not for the most messy, stickiest substance known to man of Marshmallow Fluff and a good splatter of Nutella!
We splattered the Nutella in the glasses using a spoon and dipped the rims of the glasses into a bowl of Marshmallow Fluff to get the below effect...

For extra topping we added crushed up rainbow cookies.. just because :)

Step 2 - Preparing The Milkshake
This was the least messy step and included my very loud food processor! 
We put in milk, ice cream, Nesquik chocolate powder, vanilla essence.... AND CRISPY M&MS along with a few Cadbury's chocolate fingers thrown in for good measure.
All whizzed up together and it was ready to pour!!

 Step 3 - Serving Up!

I have to admit that it took my friend and I (the boys agreed to clean if we made the freakshakes!) nearly an hour to get these ready but boy was it worth it :)

The pouring took place with a 'dash' of squirty cream....

We chopped up a swiss roll from M&S to add to the top, along with some Cadbury Caramel buttons and some of the other chocolate fingers... and some Cadbury's flakes..

FINALLY.. we were ready to carry the mammoth, chocolate heavy, calorie laden beautiful mountains of joy to the lounge for us to consume... and within 10 minutes the below creations were gone. Gone, but never forgotten!!

I highly recommend making your own freakshakes as it's so fun to do! As long as you don't mind the mess (or at least have someone to tidy it up after you!) it's well worth the effort :)

Happy freakshaking and thanks for reading!


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