Hello 😊
Well my blog ended up pretty much the same way as 2016 ended, pretty much non-existent. And this makes me sad.
2016 in summary, was rubbish!
Personally, my highlights were starting the blog and getting to go on three holidays (p.s. this will never happen again!) and all the good things that happened to my closest friends... babies, announcement of babies, engagements and a wedding!
Everywhere else in my life has got pretty crappy, complete with being ill for around 4 weeks with this stupid hacking cough/chest infection, coping with a lot of pressure in my day to day work and Mr B now being made redundant - as you can see I've had a ball (not!) and it's taken it's toll mentally that's for sure!
On to 2017... it started with Mr B and I bringing in the new year with a glass of squash and a hacking cough.. followed by a weekend of bedrest for me.. starting the year as I mean to go on!
Mr B also hasn't had much luck on the job front so far so the plan that we could use the full redundancy payment towards our house deposit (my one and only aim in 2017 is to buy a house!) is slowly slipping through my fingers - again great from my mental state - as you can tell I'm pretty tired and feeling pants!
I've got to now look at 2017 with fresh pair of non-sleepy eye balls and grab it by the knackers! (Otherwise I think my head my fall apart completely!).
Work-wise - I have to take it with a pinch salt. I have hard days, bloody hard days and good days but I love my job. It's been a testing time recently due to a number of factors but I'll grow from this, develop and who knows what opportunities may come in this year!
All I know is that I'll have been with my company for five years in September and this is a really big achievement personally (I've normally got to the 2.5 year mark and got bored and looked for a new adventure) but I really love the company I work for and I can't wait to see what happens this year!
For Mr B - he is being whipped in to shape! His CV is up together, he's getting himself out there to local agencies as well as apply for numerous jobs. This is a MASSIVE change for him and I'm proud of him for doing what he's doing (though not going to lie, I think he could do more 😊 ha).
I've been through redundancy and was lucky enough to get a new job to go straight into (I finished my old job on the Friday and started my new one on the Monday) however Rob is starting from scratch. He's gone from working for one company for eight and half years to being my house-bitch/stay at home husband so that change alone has caught him by suprise. I'm hopeful that as we plod though January that things will pick up!
House-wise - I need to coach my brain into realising a house may not be achievable this year and this is the biggest adjustment I'm going to have to make mentally. Having house starts other plans and ideas in motion and without this one thing everything else gets delayed and this is hard to grasp - I've been totally emotionally invested in this idea for around 3 years now.
We've got married in 2015 so a huge chunk of savings took a hit here but we've managed to recover a good part of this over the last year or so but not quite enough to get us a shed on the side of town we want to be in. Watch this space.. (Though I'll probably be sat in this same space next writing the next 2017-2018 post!)
Blog-wise - I want to blog more! If Mr B gets a new job soon I'm going to try and convince him that we need to get a new shiny computer (he knows how rubbish this laptop is so I'm hoping to use that as a bargaining tool! I have a plan to make a massive improvement (for me!) in relation to the photos I take and put up here and in my Instagram and I want to vary the products I try out and the experiences Mr B and I get to do. I've still got some older posts I want to get published too which have some nice things on so look out for these! Also, if I'm able to get my mitts on the Too Faced Sweet Peach palette soon that this will be coming to the blog within minutes of purchase - I'm holding out for store release in Debenhams Bristol on the 18th January!!
This post has helped me clear my head a little, and my tear ducts (yep, I cried!) and hopefully it will give me a little bit more of an open door to head into 2017 through!
I normally do resolutions but this year I'm going to let 2017 settle in first then evaluate where I want to be, what I want to do and how do it!
See you soon 👋 (that's a waving hand, apparently..)
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