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Saturday, 21 January 2017

Monthly Favourites - January 2017

Hello and welcome to the 21st of January.... how did we get here already?!?

I thought I'd start a new topic on the Hi Sue! blog and bring in a monthly favourites round up 😄.

In the words of many bloggers, these are some of my favourite posts to read and can easily give me ideas of new things to pick up. This isn't so good for my bank balance at times but if we're earning money we have to enjoy some of it... right?

So in today's round up (in no particular order):

This is my second big bottle of this stuff and I love it. It's also the only brand of micellar water I've tried (I've got a travel sized one in the pink version for holidays and weekends away!).

I use it with oval cotton wool pads as to get as much muck off my face as I can! One is fine for no makeup days and it works as a lovely refresher for my skin. On heavier make up days (we're taking high coverage foundation, eyeliner, highlighter, bronzer, concealer and all that jazz) perhaps two to three cotton wool pads but it does the trick! It's even good at melting off waterproof mascara.. it takes a little longer to shift but I'm fine with that considering the mascara is marketed as 'waterproof'' ☺.

All in all this is good and has been a really good alternative to the makeup wipes I used to use religiously. It's currently on offer in Boots for £3.33 too so it's worth checking out if you haven't already.

I love Bourjois. The end. 
And this little blush which I've been using since before Christmas is lovely. 

It's got a slightly floral scent but not over powering, the colour is subtle but build-able too for you super intense blush-look lovers!

I grabbed this  in Rose Frisson/Frosted Rose and it's a shimmery peachy pink - not too dissimilar from the packaging colour and perfect for that 'English Rose' look. It's also lasting really well - the picture above is one I took today and considering I've worn this nearly every time I've worn make up it looks untouched.

It's also got a magnetic close on it, so less chance of it flipping wide open in my makeup bag (and I need this back up, trust me!). For £7.99 it's a little on the price-r side of drug store blushes BUT it is worth it! Also,  Bourjois run so many offers throughout the year you could easily catch it in a offer too to make your spend a little more worthwhile.

The one I've got below is brand new as I've been using a travel sized freebie that came with Glamour Magazine last year but BOY is this good! (By thew way, I love a magazine freebie and I'm not afraid to hide that fact ☺).

I have extremely fair eyebrows to the extent my own husband mocks me for this! But for a quick colour, shape and brush through, this gem is amazing.
One end is a twist up crayon (no sharpening, yay!) which is shaped in a way you can define your brows but it's also thick enough to then fill in. The other end is a full size brush (two items in one!) which is a bonus.

Yes, it's more high end cost-wise but it's quality (packaging and product) is so worth the price. 
They also last a decent amount of time. Guaranteed I don't wear makeup every day but every time I do this little fella is involved and as above, I'm still using my freebie one which has lasted my for-ever!

This is the (breathes in) High-Definition Collagen Coat Mascara and I got this in a Soap and Glory freebie at Christmas  - as I was suckered in and spent over £15 on other make up products to get the free Christmas house gift pack. I'd like to say I was made to spend this money to get the freebie but there wasn't any hold back haha.

Despite the slightly chemical-like smell when you first apply it.. I love it! It's easy to apply, gives as good coverage and my lashes look lengthened too as they look fuller, it lasts all day for me with minimal budging and it's easy to remove (with my micellar water above ☺).

I haven't had a Soap & Glory mascara for around 6-7 years so I'm really happy I got the chance to try try one again and as soon as I'm out I'll be round at Boots to pick up a new one! Also, gold packaging for the win!

This is by far the cheapest favourite as well as being a lip-saver!

I was really ill in December and the festive period with flu/colds/coughs and despite drinking gallons and gallons (I kid you not, I was needing the loo every 15 mins at some stages - TMI sorry!) of water my lips were in such a bad state.

I was sugar-scrubbing, oiling them and lip balming them with other products but within a couple of hours  my lips would be back right where they started - flakey, split, sore and sometimes bleeding. UNTIL.... I grabbed this little one out of my lip balm jar. Within 2 days (yes, 2 days!!) my lips started to recover and now, as I sit here writing, they are soft with a tiny bit of dryness but I haven't used it for a couple of days (reaches and applies it now).

This gives quite a heavy coverage with a lovely shine but no stickiness which works for me and for around £1.65.. go and buy one now!!

This was on my wish list for Christmas after having been lucky enough to get the Naked Smoky palette last Christmas and oh my word, why did I wait so long?!

The shades, the quality of the shadows.... ❤

My lovely in-laws bought this for me, and I'm so happy they did. It. Is. Beautiful. 

I've used it quite a lot for work and day time looks but I'm yet to try it out for a more dramatic/evening look. It's got subtle pink shades to more golden tones but a nice mix of matte and shimmers, need I say more! 
(Though sorry for the picture quality on this one, it looks quite dark now I've popped it across on to the lap top).

Yankee Candle - Simply Home (from Asda) - Bermuda Beach

This is happiness in a candle jar. 
It's fresh, relaxing and simply a beach holiday. AND Mr B likes it too, bonus! 

It's a gorgeous pink colour with a jealous-inducing beach picture on the front... take me back to Mexico please 🌴.

I did buy this a while ago and it looks like Asda's Yankee Candle range is now called Home Inspiration and I can't find this scent on there however there are a couple of hits on Ebay if you look around. It's well worth it if you can get your hands on it.

I first heard about The Big Tights Company when blogger Fuller Figure Fuller Bust spoke about them a long while ago, and I'm really happy I've trekked back to find them and try them out.

To give a bit of background, I am plus size. I'm podgy all over but carry a good portion of my weight around my middle, tummy and thighs.
To give an image (hopefully not too much of a disturbing one!) if you were to fill a sandwich bag with water and put it down in a flat surface it will spread out.. that kind of happens with my body (if that makes any sense at all).

Due to my shape, it's really really hard to find high street stores (Evans, Yours Clothing etc) that do tights that fit my shape. I normally get them to the middle of my thighs and then I'm waddling around like my legs have been taped together - Mr B would probably film this for You've Been Framed if he had the chance!
As a solution to this, I became a legging wearer not only to cover up the wibbly wobbly legs, but they fit over my tummy without a problem and are also a saviour if the wind blew - no pants on show for me!

Moving forward, I was lucky enough to 'style' (I use that term very loosely) my work wear around long length leggings and they became my go-to with dresses, skirts etc. But put an office move in the mix, to a brand new, impressive building, my go-to safety net of the legging world is no longer an option. There began the hunt for tights that would fit my blamonge shape and in came the The Big Tights Company!

I bought a couple of variants to give them a go and my order included these! I admittedly went a little bit too big on the size but it's isn't a problem - they still stay up - Hooray! 
The colour is good, the length is good meaning no wrinkles at the ankles (some people do think fat people are also giants with long legs! I'm a long bodied short legged fat person for info 😜) and the quality so far is really good. But most importantly they fit my thighs, bum and tum in without and oil, breathing in or awkward tight-dancing required! A massive thumbs up for these beauties!

So all in all, above are my favourites for January 2017 ☺
If you have any favourites so far these year, the comments are turned on below so it would be really nice to hear about anything anyone's loving right now!!

Thanks for reading ❤

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Welcome to 2017

Hello 😊

Well my blog ended up pretty much the same way as 2016 ended, pretty much non-existent. And this makes me sad.

2016 in summary, was rubbish!

Personally, my highlights were starting the blog and getting to go on three holidays (p.s. this will never happen again!) and all the good things that happened to my closest friends... babies, announcement of babies, engagements and a wedding!

Everywhere else in my life has got pretty crappy, complete with being ill for around 4 weeks with this stupid hacking cough/chest infection, coping with a lot of pressure in my day to day work and Mr B now being made redundant - as you can see I've had a ball (not!) and it's taken it's toll mentally that's for sure!

On to 2017... it started with Mr B and I bringing in the new year with a glass of squash and a hacking cough.. followed by a weekend of bedrest for me.. starting the year as I mean to go on!
Mr B also hasn't had much luck on the job front so far so the plan that we could use the full redundancy payment towards our house deposit (my one and only aim in 2017 is to buy a house!) is slowly slipping through my fingers - again great from my mental state - as you can tell I'm pretty tired and feeling pants!

I've got to now look at 2017 with fresh pair of non-sleepy eye balls and grab it by the knackers! (Otherwise I think my head my fall apart completely!).

Work-wise - I have to take it with a pinch salt. I have hard days, bloody hard days and good days but I love my job. It's been a testing time recently due to a number of factors but I'll grow from this, develop and who knows what opportunities may come in this year!
All I know is that I'll have been with my company for five years in September and this is a really big achievement personally (I've normally got to the 2.5 year mark and got bored and looked for a new adventure) but I really love the company I work for and I can't wait to see what happens this year!
For Mr B - he is being whipped in to shape! His CV is up together, he's getting himself out there to local agencies as well as apply for numerous jobs. This is a MASSIVE change for him and I'm proud of him for doing what he's doing (though not going to lie, I think he could do more 😊 ha).
I've been through redundancy and was lucky enough to get a new job to go straight into (I finished my old job on the Friday and started my new one on the Monday) however Rob is starting from scratch. He's gone from working for one company for eight and half years to being my house-bitch/stay at home husband so that change alone has caught him by suprise. I'm hopeful that as we plod though January that things will pick up!

House-wise - I need to coach my brain into realising a house may not be achievable this year and this is the biggest adjustment I'm going to have to make mentally. Having house starts other plans and ideas in motion and without this one thing everything else gets delayed and this is hard to grasp -  I've been totally emotionally invested in this idea for around 3 years now.
We've got married in 2015 so a huge chunk of savings took a hit here but we've managed to recover a good part of this over the last year or so but not quite enough to get us a shed on the side of town we want to be in. Watch this space.. (Though I'll probably be sat in this same space next writing the next 2017-2018 post!)

Blog-wise - I want to blog more! If Mr B gets a new job soon I'm going to try and convince him that we need to get a new shiny computer (he knows how rubbish this laptop is so I'm hoping to use that as a bargaining tool! I have a plan to make a massive improvement (for me!) in relation to the photos I take and put up here and in my Instagram and I want to vary the products I try out and the experiences Mr B and I get to do. I've still got some older posts I want to get published too which have some nice things on so look out for these! Also, if I'm able to get my mitts on the Too Faced Sweet Peach palette soon that this will be coming to the blog within minutes of purchase - I'm holding out for store release in Debenhams Bristol on the 18th January!!

This post has helped me clear my head a little, and my tear ducts (yep, I cried!) and hopefully it will give me a little bit more of an open door to head into 2017 through!
I normally do resolutions but this year I'm going to let 2017 settle in first then evaluate where I want to be, what I want to do and how do it!

See you soon 👋 (that's a waving hand, apparently..)


Thursday, 20 October 2016

Autumnal Outfit Inspo

Well the cold has set in and this is what I've been waiting for all summer... AUTUMN!!

Autumn and Winter/lead up to Christmas is my favourite time of year and where I'm currently a little strapped for cash due to impending holiday and general life costs (i.e. car maintenance/car insurance/credit cards etc), I've done a bit of 'window' shopping and pieced together a little autumn look!

It's comfy, cosy and with a little bit of colour.. perfect for an Autumn ramble on a Sunday :)

Pants! Starting with the basics :)

Not very autumnal BUT I already have this Pretty Secrets bra from Simply Be and it gives 'oomph' whilst being pretty comfy for a someone of my chubby-nes. Fab range of back and cup sizes too and for £16.00 it's bang on price point too for a larger size!
I'm someone who has a VBL (visable belly line for you luckier creatures) and small pants, on me, don't look good... think a potato in a piece of string (sorry!). Big pants are for the win and for warmer butt cheeks these Sloggi Maxi Briefs (no they're not incontinence pants!!) would do the trick! A little bit on the pricey side as it's £48.00 for a 6-pack from Simply Be but breaking it down, it's only £8 per pair!

Next up is the trusty High Waisted Jeggings! New Look are my go to place for these beauties. They are just the right amount of stretch, thickness and comfy-ness and for £17.99 a pair, which last a considerable time, these are perfect!

On  to the top half... VBL is a massive issue for me as are my arms in more recent times and I need something with length in the body as well as bit of sleeve coverage.
I absolutely hate the current trend of tops that stop short at the front and drop low at the back.... please.. this fat person does not need to show the belly to the world! Don't get me wrong I really admire the curvy beauties that have the confidence to display their body shape.. but I don't have that right now.. I much prefer the streamline (well as streamline as my junk can get ha!).
I spotted this Black Pocket Tunic top on Evans' website yesterday and fell in love!
It's long, it has POCKETS (love!), it has sleeves and it's fitted around the bust area (currently one of my favourite parts! For £30.00 I would get my monies worth out of this beauty over the Autumn and Winter months.. perfect for layering in the cooler times and on it's own when the sun makes an appearance :) - Let's hope it's still around by December's payday!

I like layering... I do not like coats. Me and coats do not mix for a number for reasons
- fit, cost, how they make me look even more like the Michelin Man... I much prefer layers.
With this in mind, how cute is this Sleeveless Wrap from Yours Clothing??? A gorgeous deep red, a nice waterfall affect and only £19.00.

Now for the accessories (the best bit!)

Feet... autumn feet call for boots. I have every will and want to be able to wear healed boots.. my feet and ability to balance have other ideas so for me it has to be flats (or at least as flat as possible) to work i.e. for me to be able to walk like a normal human being and not like a baby gazelle!
Hands together for these Sole Diva Casual Ankle Boots from Simply Be! If I could buy these right now I would, being available in fit E or EEE is really good and my previous experience of Sole Diva is really good for wide-fitting feet.
They are £55.00, they look good (a little biker babe-esque) whilst having a nice shape - I hate pointy boots) and an heel that works for me!
I have to have a bag and whilst my one is baby pink... New Look have bought out a burgundy
shade of my current backpack.. meet the Leather Look Mini Backpack.. drooools!
As above I already have this bag but in a different colour as I bought it with a voucher in the summer. It's a really handy size.. I currently have my full size Ted Baker purse in there along with an umbrella, a small book, my notepad, a body mist, a Tangle Teaser, several lipsticks (we're close to double figures!) so you can see it has Mary-Poppins qualities - I also can get my car keys in there which have a rather large pink pom pom attached too. I am so tempted by this colour to perhaps get a new one **asks Mr B to hide my purse**.

Not forgetting the finishing touches.,, a bit of bling!
I headed over to Accessorize and found a couple of really cute bits :)

The Caged Kite Pendant above, in a rose gold colour is so cute and would stand out against the red of the wrap above. For an astonishing £6.00 this would be a gorgeous, eye catching long-length pendant for the autumn months. It would also look great against a LBD for a cheeky night out without being too 'in your face bling'!

And to keep the rose-gold theme going.. how about the Mixed Plate Glitter Bangle Braclet Pack below also from Accessorize. And again only £6.00!!!
The top three would definitely go with this Autumn look and I love them!!!
And finally, it wouldn't be a HiSueBlog post without a reference to nail varnish.
I have this one, I tried it for the first time the other day with some gold sparkle on top and I have fallen in love. It's called Fuschia Generation from Barry M and I picked mine up from Boots and it's such a gorgeouse burgandy/pink shade.... I don't need to say anymore :)

On that note (or nail ha!) I'm off. I hope you enjoyed this post as it's a little different to what I've been doing so far.
It's made me want to buy everything but I'm restraining myself but it's made me think about making more of an effort with my autumn looks instead of throwing just anything on.

If you are reading this post (thank you in the first instance!) and if you have any recommendations for an Autumn look comment about them below or leave any links to your pages too :)

Type soon!

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